Career & Technical Education

Career and Technical Education in Virginia annually serves more than 550,000 students in grades 6-12 through its career and technical courses and programs. At the state level, Career and Technical Education supports many initiatives and provides valuable resources that further enhance the value of its educational offerings.

Woodside's Career and Technical Education department instructs close to 1,000 students annually. Woodside High School offers MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist Certification), and the Virtual Enterprise entrepreneurial learning concept.

Career and Technical Education students complete rigorous industry-related course curriculums that better prepare them for college placement and a career focus. Teachers reinforce Virginia's academic Standards of Learning in English, mathematics, science, and history/social science as they apply to the Career and Technical Education curriculum.

Woodside's Career and Technical Education department offers the following courses:

Business and Information Technology Education

  • Some career interests: Financial Planner, Accountant, Graphics Designer
  • Courses offered: Accounting, Advanced Accounting, Digital Input Technologies, Computer Information Systems, Advanced Computer Information Systems, Business Law, Business Management, Desktop Publishing
  • Student Organization: Virginia FBLA/PBL, National FBLA/PBL
  • Wise Browser

Family and Consumer Sciences Education

  • Some career interests: Nutritionist, Chef, Childcare Provider
  • Courses offered: Family Planning, Nutrition/Wellness, International Cuisine
  • Student Organization: Virginia FCCLA

Marketing Education

  • Some career interests: Advertising Agent, Sales Manager, and Entrepreneur
  • Courses offered: Fashion Design, Marketing Management, Marketing Co-op, Advanced Marketing Co-op
  • Student Organization: Virginia DECA

Technology Education

  • Some career interests: Electrician, Engineer, and Architect
  • Courses offered: Basic and Technical Drawing, Engineering Drawing, Architectural Drawing, Graphics Design, Communications Technology
  • Student Organization: Virginia TSA

Woodside High School Career and Technical Education uses a variety of software programs and technologies to expose students to the latest industry standards. Some of the equipment we train our students to use includes: AutoCAD, Windows XP, Microsoft Office, Writing Tablets, and Adobe Creative Suite.