Advanced Placement Program

What is an AP Course?

As described by, "Advanced Placement is a program run by the College Board (the makers of the SAT) that allows you to take courses at your high school, which can earn you college credit and/or qualify you for more advanced classes when you begin college." The College Board offers more than 30 AP courses in the Arts, History & Social Sciences, Math & Computer Sciences, Sciences, and World Languages & Cultures. While earning college credit or qualifying for advanced placement when entering college is a perk, it also demonstrates to college admission officers that a student has sought out the most rigorous course work available to them.

Learn more about AP classes by visiting College Board's "Rise to Your Potential" page.

What is an AP Test?

Each AP course concludes with a college-level assessment developed and scored by college and university faculty as well as experienced AP teachers. AP Exams are an essential part of the AP experience, enabling students to demonstrate their mastery of college-level course work. Performing well on an AP Exam means more than just the successful completion of a course; it is a gateway to success in college. Research consistently shows that students who receive a score of 3 or higher on AP Exams typically experience greater academic success in college and have higher graduation rates than their non-AP peers.

All NNPS students who take AP courses must take the corresponding AP test in order to earn the full weighted credit for the course. Newport News Public Schools will pay for AP tests to be given to all students enrolled in appropriate courses. Advanced Placement Examinations are administered in May of each year.

Visit the College Board's "Taking the Exam" page to find out more information.

What is an AP Score? What does it mean?

In June, AP exams are graded on a five-point scale, and students are able to view their scores on the AP Portal.

To find out more about the 5-point scale and what they mean, visit College Board's site "About AP Scores."

Why should I take an AP Course?

Check out Newport News Public Schools' policies on AP Courses and learn the top 10 reasons why you should take them by visiting the NNPS Advanced Placement Program site.

What courses are offered at Woodside?

Woodside High School offers several AP courses. The courses are modeled after a comparable college course and aligned with college-level standards. Our talented and dedicated AP teachers help our students in the classrooms to develop and apply the content knowledge and skills they will need later in college.

Each of the courses offered at Woodside are listed below as well as information as to who teaches the course and when the course is typically taken. Contact your school counselor and/or the course's teacher with any specific questions regarding the course's content or required prerequisite classes.

Subject Course Teacher(s) Year Typically Taken
Art AP Music Theory Sheila Downs Sophomore
Art AP Studio Art: 2-D Design
Basilious Kaoudis Junior/Senior
Art 3-D Design Basilious Kaoudis Junior/Senior
Art Drawing Basilious Kaoudis Junior/Senior
English AP English Language & Composition Bonita Frazier Junior
English AP English Literature & Composition Tanya France Senior
History & Social Science AP Human Geography Walker Bennett Freshman
History & Social Science AP Psychology James Cook Junior/Senior
History & Social Science AP United States Government & Politics Janet Costello Senior
History & Social Science AP United States History Steven Brady
Nicole Miller
History & Social Science AP World History Tom Salyers Sophomore
Math & Computer Science AP Calculus AB Leeza Marello Junior/Senior
Math & Computer Science AP Calculus BC Jennifer Saunders Junior/Senior
Math & Computer Science AP Statistics Robertson Bill Senior
Sciences AP Biology Meg Wiggins Sophomore
Sciences AP Chemistry Rita Mina Junior
Sciences AP Environmental Science Heather Moore Freshman
Sciences AP Physics 1 Kirsten Manning Junior/Senior