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Technology Integration & Support

What is an ITC?

Allison Stetar, Instructional Technology Coach

An ITC (Instructional Technology Coach) is an instructional coach who supports the growth of technology integration skills among educators. An ITC can help educators plan technology-rich activities, can co-teach or model lessons in classrooms, and can train educators on the use of instructional technology tools that support teaching. To get assistance from your ITC, you can request an appointment , give them a call at x61413, or send them an email.

What is a TSS?

John Grabinski, Technology Support Specialist

A Technology Support Specialist (TSS) is your first line of technical support for any computer system or peripheral in the school, and therefore plays an integral role in the 21st century classroom. They can help with network troubleshooting, device repair, software installation, malfunctioning equipment, and more. To get assistance from your TSS, you can submit a work order or give them a call at x.61411.