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English Department

NNPS seeks to create a comprehensive language arts program consists of a variety of reading, writing, listening, and speaking components that foster the integration of communication, research skills, and teamwork. These components include a variety of literacy activities that progress from teacher directed, to guided practice, to independent learning and are woven into the classroom setting to create an environment that leads students to become independent readers, writers, and thinkers.

General Summer Reading

We encourage our students to read during the summer for enjoyment, leisure, and learning. Reading is essential to critical thinking and preparation for College, Careers, and Citizenship. All high school students in NNPS are required to read ONE BOOK during the summer. NNPS has compiled a list of suggested books that are fun, engaging, mysterious, thought-provoking, informative, meaningful, inventive, inspiring, motivational, and more! The list includes award-winning books as well as others recognized by our faculty and various literary journals as meaningful reading for students of various ages. If you have questions about Summer Reading, please email Kimberly Haywood, the English Department Lead Teacher. Visit NNPS Summer Reading Lists.

AP Summer Reading

If you have questions about AP Summer Reading, please email the appropriate person below, and they will respond to you just as soon as they can.


Woodside High School’s 2018 PTSA Reflections Contest Winners

2017-2018 VHSL 6A Regional Champions for One Act Plays