Woodside PTSA
Harris Teeter Together in Education
Teacher Appreciation Week Luncheon Video
PTSA Meetings
The first Thursday at 6:30pm of every month is our general meeting night, unless otherwise determined.
PTSA Officers
We have several vacancies! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the President or Treasurer via email below. We'd love to have you!
- President - Dianca Wright
- Vice President - Vacant
- Secretary - Beverly Husband
- Treasurer - Eura White
- Administration Representative - Grayce Foley
- Faculty Representative - Vacant
- Events Coordinator - Vacant
- Educational Coordinator - Vacant
- Membership/Volunteer Chairperson - Vacant
- PTSA Scholarship Chairperson - Kathryn Sheehan-Smith
- Reflections Chairperson - Kathryn Sheehan-Smith
- Fundraiser/Concessions Chairperson - Vacant
- Council Representative(s) - Eura White
- Student Representative(s)
- 9th - Kmya Scott & Zanyaiah Wright
- 10th - Vacant
- 11th - Vacant
- 12th - Travis Hamilton
Membership Benefits
Get ahead of the game and join your PTSA now! The cost is only $5 per person! Students will DEFINITELY want to join, because your membership comes with a discount on all home athletic events (i.e., basketball, wrestling, volleyball) and all football games at Todd Stadium. You will absolutely earn back your money in savings, and you will be "in the know" for all of the events throughout the year!
PTSA Scholarship
Seniors, your membership also allows you to apply for a PTSA scholarship! Since the PTSA Scholarships are only for students who have joined the PTSA at Woodside, be sure to join by March 1st so that you can apply!