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Clubs and Activities

Brian DePrinzio, Activities Director

Woodside High School offers a diverse array of activities for students to join in order to develop new skills, meet new people, expand their interests, and enable them to have an interactive role beyond that of a student. Below is the complete list of classes, clubs, and organizations with the corresponding sponsors. All students attending Woodside High School have the opportunity to participate in a class, club, or organization and are highly encouraged to do so!

Graduating Class Clubs

Open to anyone in the grade level.

Club/Activity Sponsor
Class of 2025 Jordan Christie
Class of 2026 Adelyn Wallace
Class of 2027 Wendy West
Class of 2028 Olivia Germann-McClain

Open Clubs

Open to anyone in the school.

Club/Activity Sponsor Description
Art Club William Henley, Activities include open studio work on independent projects, group projects, and service projects. Bring your sketchbook for review. This is a great place to develop an appreciation for the Visual Arts.
Anime/Manga Club

Elizabeth Kayser

Athletes in Action Eric Battle  
Chess Club James Berry  
Debate Team Dr. Deborah Christie  
Drone Team James Berry  
Dungeons and Dragons Alexander Riccio  
eSports James Berry  
Flourish Brianna Green Flourish is a student-led empowerment program, designed to equip female students with information and prepare them for a future in global leadership. Flourish members work together to make an impact in their schools, community, and the world by social entrepreneurship, service projects and much more. Members also learn valuable skills, addressing topics such as self-discovery, positive relationships and health and wellness.
Forensics Speech Christel Stanley Members recite poetry, read children's stories, make up their own speech, and generally like being in front of an audience, similar to drama without the props; meetings average twice a month; Forensics Tournaments are held with regional high schools from October to April.
French Club Rhevyn Berry  
Key Club Michael Platt Key Club is an international, student-led organization that affords its members opportunities to provide community service, build personal character, and develop leadership.
Knitters Club Laura Keyes  
Live Well Susan Ragan-Pimblett  
Model UN Matthew Henson Foster international awareness and public speaking skills through participation in mock United Nations sessions and debates.
OutSpoken Poetry Club Olivia Germann-McClain  
Project Discovery Katie Westbrook HRCAP Project Discovery is a college access program for first-generation college students and/or come from low-income families. The program provides weekly workshops to students to help them develop the necessary skills to pursue post-secondary education. This program offers many benefits such as college application waivers, scholarships, monthly campus visits, financial aid helpful information, scholarship help and much more.
RISE! Justin Carr  
Scholastic Bowl Steven Brady A Virginia High School League team that competes against other schools in a fun and competitive environment to test students' general knowledge with Jeopardy-style questions.
Seat Belt Club Kristine Boswell  
Step Team Amber Brown  
Student Athlete Leadership Team (SALT) Eric Battle  
Student 2 Student Woodside Counseling Dept. Assist military students with the transition into a new school.
Tennis Club

Leonard Bernard
Marlon McSwain

Theatre Arts Club Chasida Taylor
Marcia Wright
Woodside Theatre produces a Fall Play and a Spring Musical annually to the Woodside community, showcasing the onstage and backstage talents of Woodside High School students. Theatre students and "non-theatre students" have opportunities to audition to act onstage or volunteer to contribute in technical theatre in a backstage capacity. With extraordinary commitment and dedication, students may be eligible to be inducted into the International Thespian Honor Society, which recognizes achievement in high school theatre.
Young Life Christian Club (iMagnify) Lisa Banks
Laura Keyes
YVC Matthew Taylor  

Class Clubs

Open to any student enrolled in the corresponding class during the school day.

Club/Activity Sponsor Description
AV Club Michael McClellan  
Band Brian Grieb  
Bayport Credit Union JoNika Yarborough
BriAnn Hargrove
Café 122 Letitia Mitchell The students in this class help run Café 122, a food and beverage resource for faculty and staff.
Chorus Emilio Pesante  
Communication Technology Michael McClellan  
Creative Writing Olivia Germann-McClain  
Dance Team Hope Hunter  
DECA Robert Fontaine, Jonika Yarborough

Co-curricular organization that develops leaders for marketing, management and entrepreneurship; open only to students currently enrolled in any Marketing class.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Tina Shorter, Jonika Yarborough, Towanda Alister Develop competent, aggressive business leadership; to strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work; open only to students currently or previously enrolled in any Business class.
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Samantha Reynolds Foster the development of interpersonal, family, leadership, career goals and skills; open only to students currently or previously enrolled in a Family and Consumer Sciences class.
Magnet Council Amy Insley  
Orchestra Whitney Farrior, Sheila Downs  
Photography Club Amber Brown  
Piano Club Whitney Farrior  
Technology Student Association (TSA) William Yarborough Promote leadership and personal growth in students and prepare them to contribute to a technological world; open only to students currently enrolled in any Technology class.
Whispers from the Wood Olivia Germann-McClain Whispers from the Wood is Woodside's very own biannual literary magazine, bringing you exciting pieces of art and writing. The magazine is created and run by the seniors of the Creative Writing Magnet program, with all included pieces coming from members of Woodside's student body.
WeLeap Marisol Morales-Diaz  
The Wolverine Press Olivia Germann-McClain The Wolverine Press is a quarterly newspaper that is written by students for students. Students enrolled in Creative Writing Three will learn how to interview, collaborate, and put together stories that feel relevant and timely while informing and engaging their fellow students.
Unified School

Michael Platt

Woodside Ambassadors Chanique Byrd  
Yearbook Amber Brown  

Clubs by Induction, Audition, Application or Election

Club/Activity Sponsor Description
Activities Support Students Brian DePrinzio The Activity Support Students is a hand-selected group of dynamic students who are highly involved in the implementation and facilitation of the Woodside Activities program.
Art National Honor Society Heidi Bogan Provide recognition of the artistic talents and leadership roles for the visual arts students, while spotlighting the success and community work of Woodside's visual arts program; students must have a B average in art classes and be nominated by their art teacher to join.
Artistic Verses

Brian DePrinzio
Olivia Germann-McClain

Artistic Verses is an ekphrastic poetry writing experience held annually by NNPS in partnership with Christopher Newport University's Torggler Center for the Arts. Students engage in a hands-on writing workshop with experts and then, after viewing a major art exhibit in-person, they select a piece of art and write an original poem inspired by it. The district will judge all entries and award prizes for the top pieces.
Color Guard Whitney Farrior Participate in performance ensembles utilizing flags and dance movement; auditions are held each spring or contact Mr. Austin over the summer.
Emerging Leaders Marisol Morales-Diaz  
French National Honor Society Rhevyn Berry French 3, 4 or AP students with 3.0 overall GPA, 3.6 GPA in French and do 5 hours of community service related to French culture.
German National Honor Society Britta Esser German 3, 4 or AP students with 3.0 overall GPA, 3.6 GPA in German and do 5 hours of community service related to German culture.
International Thespian Society Chasida Taylor
Marcia Wright,
An honor society that recognizes outstanding accomplishments in high school theater; students become eligible by making significant contributions to the success of productions and by demonstrating outstanding leadership and service to the theater department; inductions in the spring.
Leading Ladies Chanique Byrd  
Mu Alpha Theta (Math National Honor Society) Jennifer Saunders, Heather Rogers
Adelyn Wallace
For students with a 3.2 math GPA who have completed Algebra II and plan to continue math classes throughout high school; applications accepted in the spring.
My Brother’s Keeper Marlon McSwain  
My Sister’s Keeper Susan McAuliffe  
National Honor Society Jordan Christie Michele Robison Chapter of the National Honor Society, a society that adheres to four main facets: leadership, character, service, and scholarship; induction by invitation only for juniors during the third quarter.
Nu Delta Alpha (Dance National Honor Society) Hope Hunter Requires being enrolled in a Dance Magnet technique course and a GPA of 3.2; dues required; inductions late fall and early spring.
Principal's Advisory Committee Dr. Mary Hardesty  
Student Advisory Group on Education (SAGE) Chanique Byrd A group of students who collaborate with the superintendent to provide input and initiate positive changes to the school division that directly impacts students; application only.
Student Council Association (SCA)

Susan Ragan-Pimblett

Brittney Heath

Promote school spirit and student involvement in school activities and the community; officers elected in the spring though anyone may participate in SCA events.
Science National Honor Society Nakisha Stallings The Science National Honor Society (SNHS) recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence in encouraging and recognizing scientific and intellectual thought. These students work to advance their knowledge of classical and modern science. Members communicate with the scientific community, aid others with the comprehension of science, participate in community service and in turn, and pursue scientific knowledge that benefits all. Students must maintain a minimum of a 3.5 weighted grade point average on the 4.0 scale and a B or higher across all science courses.
Social Studies National Honor Society Janet Costello  
Spanish National Honor Society Martha Avila
Marisol Morales-Diaz
Spanish 3, 4 or AP students with 3.0 overall GPA, 3.6 GPA in Spanish and do 5 hours of community service related to Hispanic culture.
Tri-M (Music National Honor Society) Sheila Downs
Whitney Farrior
A National Music Honor Society that recognizes outstanding accomplishments in instrumental and vocal music; students are nominated by their music teacher in December/January, and are selected based on academics and individual musical performances.